No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction at anytime.
There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction,
a blessed unrest keeps us marching and makes us more alive than others.
-- Martha Graham to Agnes De Mille
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I don't even feel like I have a lot to say right now.

Last night we did a show where we had 50% more people on stage than in the audience. And the oft-repaired air conditioner broke down again. It wasn't exactly a night of glory in theater, but I still managed to have some fun.

This weekend is more stage combat, but it'll be the last hurrah. Hotspur's headed out of town for 2 months (as RockGirl takes no small measure of glee in reminding me), so no more stage combat till the fall. Sigh.

RockGirl and I are taking a short trip out to Moab next week, so if you don't hear from me for a while, it's cause I aint here.

Someday soon I'll sit down and right something with an opinion in it. But right now, Montel is coming on, so I gotta go. :)


Hosted by my beloved DLand
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