No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction at anytime.
There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction,
a blessed unrest keeps us marching and makes us more alive than others.
-- Martha Graham to Agnes De Mille
Was || Will Be || Past Moments || Now || Notes

2002-06-06 - 1:47 p.m.

I'm tired and I'm sick and this is going to make no sense. But, hey! I'm back.

I'm back.

What has happened since Friday? What hasn't?

There was moving. I'm so freaking tired. We packed and we organized and we moved and we cleaned and we unpacked. And there's so much more unpacking and organizing and cleaning left to do. RockGirl came up Monday and Tuesday nights and helped unpack, and strip wallpaper. Each night, around 11:00, she turned to me and said "Stop moving. Just stop." Once I did stop moving, I was asleep in within half an hour.

This is how I've been for a week. Rush, rush, rush. Keep moving. Keep doing things. There are a million things to do, so keep doing things. As soon as I stop, my exhaustion takes me over, and I'm out like a light.

Sunday there was the trapeze class which was a lot of fun, and more dangerous than I'd like to think. The traps were low, maybe five feet off the floor, but when you're hanging upside-down with only your pelvis on the bar, five feet looks like a hell of a long way to fall. I worked muscles I didn't know I had, bruised myself in about ten places, and scraped a dime-sized chunk of skin off each knee cap. It was a great time.

Monday was the move. We hired movers. Thank God for that. I really don't have the money for it, but I can barely imagine what I would be feeling like if we hadn't hired movers.

The new place is great. It's huge and awesome, and an enormous freaking mess. To prove we have our priorities in the right place, the first things we set up were stereos, TVs and computers. We have cable modem running. We do not have cable TV yet. Which is pissing me off. Because World Cup is on and I'm missing it. I tried to convey to eRoommate the importance of not missing World Cup. I don't think he got it. Alas.

Yesterday we cleaned out the old apartment. Five hours of cleaning (only two of those with eRoommate present. Bastard) and then rushing to Broadsword class.

So tired. RockGirl slept over Tuesday night. She was sick. Coughing. Kept me up half the night. Now I have whatever she had. Gotta love that.

I'm back at TempJob today. Just today and tomorrow. I really didn't want to come in at all this week. It's dumb. It's not like there's that much for me to do. I wanted to blow this week off completely, but I'm trying not to burn bridges. I need to burn more bridges. I need to do what's right for me and to hell with stupid corporations, anyway.

Oh, speaking of stupid corporations, this morning, my key to the office didn't work. They changed the locks. There's a story going around that this Sunday, two former employees where here with a truck, stealing cubicle partitions. Because, you know, they could be stealing computers and stuff, but then where would they put them? You have to have a cubicle to put the computer in, right? Of course, nobody in the Denver office heard anything about this. The story originated in the Utah office, of all places, and the Utah guys still seem to refuse to believe that, uh, no cubicles are missing. Buncha dumb asses.

I'm realizing that this is making *no* sense at all.

I'm sorry. I'm tired and I'm sick and I'm sick and tired.

I'm gonna go work for a few more hours. Have a happy.

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